Sunday 22 June 2014


It's okay my child dear
The words we have all heard
The darkness that invades our soul
Cloaking so we can't see what is truly there
Its dark eyes stare into our souls
Looking for the door to enter
We can fight but it is one of difficulty
A force so ancient filled with trickery
It's ways are inhumane
Dirty and rough
It's darkness consumes the light
And until there is nothing left
But there cannot be darkness without light
We are then to discover our true selves
Are we strong or are we weak

It is through fear that we discover our true selves and we find whether you can become strong or will you become weak.

A Love

Be careful when you touch her 
She is a feisty mistress
And try to give her a kiss
She shall burn you
But she is quite true
And she turns our hearts anew
No matter the strength nor the intelligence
When she finds you ready she will find a way to make you love
She will have your soul twisting and turn
Then burning she'll have it burning
When your knees bend and you think she is finished
But you can still feel her but all of you is diminished
And as your knees are bent and your head hung
She will call for you
And oh her voice is so sweet
And there stands a chair and you drag yourself to it and sit

And then she shows you the beauties of life
And after such a

Sunday 8 June 2014

Our Wonderful Country South Africa

I was told that I should write a poem about and I quote 'Our Wonderful Country South Africa'. An interesting subject really with a variety of perceptions. I took the negative perception.

Released from its chains in 1994
could we ask for anymore
But our country has been infested
Guns,drugs rape rape rape.......
Words that push push and push and crush
Do we not all feel dejected
We and our morals are rejected
We stand together hand in hand
Alas corruption rules and shall demand
Our trusts and unions seperated
And a memory of a struggle desecrated
But wait wait please
What of faith, what of hope
Many of us shout to appease
But out words are drowned out
And our voices fill with doubt
We are destroyed and we now burn
And when we douse the flame we are burnt in turn
A paradise we see only in flashes
But perhaps one day we shall rise from the ashes