Sunday 6 April 2014

Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto 5 is the best game ever. Rockstar has outdone themselves with this game. Better graphics, bank robberies, endless collectibles and never ending twists and turns. What I love so much about this game is the enhancement of the open world. Now you can interact with the world around you when playing GTA V you can customize your car, buy clothes from different types of shops, cut your hair and the virtual views are amazing. All the three characters are so different but similar in insanity of course Trevor is more insane then anyone in the game but you know how it is when you're psychotic. If you ever play this game  you better make a huge opening in your schedule cause this game will take awhile. Hats off to Rockstar.

The 3 Sarahs

Recently I went to a school play called the 3 Sarahs. It's a play about 3 girls called Sarah. The play starts out with 2 of the Sarahs in a school talking about how a fellow school girl has dyed her hair different colours. They then start speaking about how she only cares that people are talking about her not about how she looks. The 3rd Sarah comes on talking about the same thing and decides that she and other
Sarahs should dye their hair too. A couple minutes pass and another school girl is making a movie they then all want to be in it because they think they will become famous. The play ends openly leaving us to think about what happens after. Through the play you could see that the 3rd Sarah wanted be different she didn't want be just plain Sarah and that was shown in the play. There is a term called catharsis where the audience is suggested to experience one's own emotions through the characters and purge. And that is what I experienced and don't we all want to be different not just that other Sarah, that point was emphasized in the play. But in the end of the play they realize they don't need to change. We have to always realize that we are all Sarahs but we're that Sarah that can draw or the one that can sing. We may all be Sarahs but we're all unique Sarahs.


Perception:Heroes and Villains

Human perception, the way we see the things around us whether it's ugly or beautiful or good or evil. Take a tree for instance we can see it as a beautiful part of nature but others can see it as a problem in Winter and Autumn. That brings us to the question. Which perception is the right one? And how is the right perception determined? Is it how well one argues their perception? These are all good questions and with them we can ask what is a hero and what is a villain? A hero is someone who fights for a good cause and a villain is someone who works for an evil cause. Now lets take nature extremists they go about doing horrible things but all in the name to protect the environment in a way you can see the heroism but you also see the villainy. So are they good or bad. Truth is they're both some can say they are evil but some can say they're good. And really aren't both perceptions credible. That leaves us to think about the fine line between a hero and a villain and whether there is one. Now I'll leave you to think about that long and hard.