Sunday 6 April 2014

The 3 Sarahs

Recently I went to a school play called the 3 Sarahs. It's a play about 3 girls called Sarah. The play starts out with 2 of the Sarahs in a school talking about how a fellow school girl has dyed her hair different colours. They then start speaking about how she only cares that people are talking about her not about how she looks. The 3rd Sarah comes on talking about the same thing and decides that she and other
Sarahs should dye their hair too. A couple minutes pass and another school girl is making a movie they then all want to be in it because they think they will become famous. The play ends openly leaving us to think about what happens after. Through the play you could see that the 3rd Sarah wanted be different she didn't want be just plain Sarah and that was shown in the play. There is a term called catharsis where the audience is suggested to experience one's own emotions through the characters and purge. And that is what I experienced and don't we all want to be different not just that other Sarah, that point was emphasized in the play. But in the end of the play they realize they don't need to change. We have to always realize that we are all Sarahs but we're that Sarah that can draw or the one that can sing. We may all be Sarahs but we're all unique Sarahs.


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