Friday 20 March 2015

The Social Box.

There is one way and only one way. Such is the Great Social Paradigm. There is only one way to look and only one way to act that has been dictated by media. They have put out false images of what the "perfect" man or woman looks like. Due to the fact that  these images are impossible to attain there has been an increase of depression in our modern society. With the increase of women taking pills and the statement: that there are no longer any good men around, being more true than false. It is no wonder that so many are able to say the world is going to hell. These false images have also destroyed human uniqueness. We can no longer think for ourselves rather now our thinking is shaped by society. The way in which we think,act,speak even walk is determined by our society. We have subjected ourselves to slavery but not the classical type of slavery but a new form of it and I would like to call it: Spirit Slavery. We have renounced our right to having spirits and have therefore lost our most precious humanity. To leave you with a  final thought I would like to ask a simple question: Are you the creator of yourself or is society?

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