Sunday 7 December 2014

Freedom Fighter

His heart beats with a fire
With a power to topple down the empire
His eyes are dark and endless
A void created by the kiss of war
His arm yearns to shape the "V"
His hand wishes to grip the sword
To strike and fight because of the Warrior Accord
His heart knows not of mercy, only justice
His mind controlled by his silver helm
His very being only existing in a dark realm
Death, destruction, screams, rivals, combat what else has he
that fights for justice
And for what cause!
It is a hard life
But one true and honest
For the freedom of all
For the Liberation Of Man
must be held on high
We must not, no cannot deny the cry
We must be Legion
We must be Sword and Shield
We must be The Light In Dark
Our hearts, minds and souls burn with this fire
A warrior's fire
A fire that cannot and must never tire
For we are soldiers of Liberty
We shall release back into the world
Trust, Honesty, Justice and Sincerity
For we are the Champions of Liberty

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