Sunday 7 December 2014

Freedom Fighter

His heart beats with a fire
With a power to topple down the empire
His eyes are dark and endless
A void created by the kiss of war
His arm yearns to shape the "V"
His hand wishes to grip the sword
To strike and fight because of the Warrior Accord
His heart knows not of mercy, only justice
His mind controlled by his silver helm
His very being only existing in a dark realm
Death, destruction, screams, rivals, combat what else has he
that fights for justice
And for what cause!
It is a hard life
But one true and honest
For the freedom of all
For the Liberation Of Man
must be held on high
We must not, no cannot deny the cry
We must be Legion
We must be Sword and Shield
We must be The Light In Dark
Our hearts, minds and souls burn with this fire
A warrior's fire
A fire that cannot and must never tire
For we are soldiers of Liberty
We shall release back into the world
Trust, Honesty, Justice and Sincerity
For we are the Champions of Liberty

Sunday 22 June 2014


It's okay my child dear
The words we have all heard
The darkness that invades our soul
Cloaking so we can't see what is truly there
Its dark eyes stare into our souls
Looking for the door to enter
We can fight but it is one of difficulty
A force so ancient filled with trickery
It's ways are inhumane
Dirty and rough
It's darkness consumes the light
And until there is nothing left
But there cannot be darkness without light
We are then to discover our true selves
Are we strong or are we weak

It is through fear that we discover our true selves and we find whether you can become strong or will you become weak.

A Love

Be careful when you touch her 
She is a feisty mistress
And try to give her a kiss
She shall burn you
But she is quite true
And she turns our hearts anew
No matter the strength nor the intelligence
When she finds you ready she will find a way to make you love
She will have your soul twisting and turn
Then burning she'll have it burning
When your knees bend and you think she is finished
But you can still feel her but all of you is diminished
And as your knees are bent and your head hung
She will call for you
And oh her voice is so sweet
And there stands a chair and you drag yourself to it and sit

And then she shows you the beauties of life
And after such a

Sunday 8 June 2014

Our Wonderful Country South Africa

I was told that I should write a poem about and I quote 'Our Wonderful Country South Africa'. An interesting subject really with a variety of perceptions. I took the negative perception.

Released from its chains in 1994
could we ask for anymore
But our country has been infested
Guns,drugs rape rape rape.......
Words that push push and push and crush
Do we not all feel dejected
We and our morals are rejected
We stand together hand in hand
Alas corruption rules and shall demand
Our trusts and unions seperated
And a memory of a struggle desecrated
But wait wait please
What of faith, what of hope
Many of us shout to appease
But out words are drowned out
And our voices fill with doubt
We are destroyed and we now burn
And when we douse the flame we are burnt in turn
A paradise we see only in flashes
But perhaps one day we shall rise from the ashes

Sunday 6 April 2014

Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto 5 is the best game ever. Rockstar has outdone themselves with this game. Better graphics, bank robberies, endless collectibles and never ending twists and turns. What I love so much about this game is the enhancement of the open world. Now you can interact with the world around you when playing GTA V you can customize your car, buy clothes from different types of shops, cut your hair and the virtual views are amazing. All the three characters are so different but similar in insanity of course Trevor is more insane then anyone in the game but you know how it is when you're psychotic. If you ever play this game  you better make a huge opening in your schedule cause this game will take awhile. Hats off to Rockstar.

The 3 Sarahs

Recently I went to a school play called the 3 Sarahs. It's a play about 3 girls called Sarah. The play starts out with 2 of the Sarahs in a school talking about how a fellow school girl has dyed her hair different colours. They then start speaking about how she only cares that people are talking about her not about how she looks. The 3rd Sarah comes on talking about the same thing and decides that she and other
Sarahs should dye their hair too. A couple minutes pass and another school girl is making a movie they then all want to be in it because they think they will become famous. The play ends openly leaving us to think about what happens after. Through the play you could see that the 3rd Sarah wanted be different she didn't want be just plain Sarah and that was shown in the play. There is a term called catharsis where the audience is suggested to experience one's own emotions through the characters and purge. And that is what I experienced and don't we all want to be different not just that other Sarah, that point was emphasized in the play. But in the end of the play they realize they don't need to change. We have to always realize that we are all Sarahs but we're that Sarah that can draw or the one that can sing. We may all be Sarahs but we're all unique Sarahs.


Perception:Heroes and Villains

Human perception, the way we see the things around us whether it's ugly or beautiful or good or evil. Take a tree for instance we can see it as a beautiful part of nature but others can see it as a problem in Winter and Autumn. That brings us to the question. Which perception is the right one? And how is the right perception determined? Is it how well one argues their perception? These are all good questions and with them we can ask what is a hero and what is a villain? A hero is someone who fights for a good cause and a villain is someone who works for an evil cause. Now lets take nature extremists they go about doing horrible things but all in the name to protect the environment in a way you can see the heroism but you also see the villainy. So are they good or bad. Truth is they're both some can say they are evil but some can say they're good. And really aren't both perceptions credible. That leaves us to think about the fine line between a hero and a villain and whether there is one. Now I'll leave you to think about that long and hard.


Sunday 30 March 2014

A little art in everything

Art the creative transfer of feelings,emotions and ideas into a physical form. Whether it's onto a canvas with a paintbrush or on a stage with body movements. There are many different art forms dance,music,drama,visual art but these are all common art forms.
But do we ever see the art all around us. Haven't you noticed when you walk into a classroom the way the tables are arranged is that it's own type of art, what the way your towel falls when you miss the towel rack doesn't it look like  the sea or maybe an awesome looking whirlpool and how about the way leaves turn into different colours in Autumn. The point I'm trying to make is that there is art in everything; there is beauty in everything. And that there is always something to love, to enjoy remember when the world looks bleak and desolate just look around you and you will be filled.


Thursday 20 February 2014


For an assignment I had to make a Valentine's Day poem that I would have to read to my entire class. Everyone was quite nervous. First of all we had to make a poem about love and then go to the front of the class and read it out. Now that in itself is very intimidating but with all this some great poems were presented. With a miscellaneous array of perspectives on love which really spoke to the heart and taxed the mind. But here's my perspective on love which is quite common.


What is love
Is it when you kiss you see a snow white dove
Or is it when fireworks explode from up above
Or when you find yourself under the moonlight
And your love is holding you tight
But all this is a mere fraction
Of this resplendent attraction
Its when you embrace
Your happiness suddenly has a face
For there is no other place
You'd rather be
For you see
Love is when you see your beloved
When you see their face
And your heart starts to race
So much it leaves not a trace
You look into their eyes
And time that flys
Starts to slow
Every trouble seems to go
In that moment you wish to stay
For this is not child's play
This is in fact love
Sent from above

I also wrote a second poem to show my second perspective of love.

Tree of Love
 Love, a phenomenal force of attraction
 Is it a form of magic
For which is a manifestation of Aphrodite
As if it were a mighty tree
Growing slowly and strong
With leaves acting as memories
Growing as love grows
Thus so truly
Doors that unlock keys
To our hearts
Carved by wood
Covered  by a protective hood
Our hearts like the precious sap of this tree
That lays dormant and bitter
But when nurtured it becomes sweet with an extravagant gold
But if left for too long it goes sour
And fills with lonesome and sadness untold
Wither's until left only powder
Until the tree rots and the leaves wither on the ground
A black stump shall be all that is found
But however, minute and insignificant in sight
It shall be a light
A bud but a simple bud
Growing slowing and strong
Though it may be long
It is of worth
For it is love
Which grows from down below to up above
Like a tree
For it is love that shall decree
Your love to be


Sunday 2 February 2014

The Beginning

This is the start of a blog. Amazing and nerve racking to a certain degree. Why am I writing a blog? Tell you the truth its a school English project. When my English teacher told me that I had to write a blog I was slightly intimidated. And when the weekend eventually came I had the thought I would start this blog straight away but then I realised I had tons of homework and the idea of writing a blog was practically impossible. But astonishingly I found spare time and I found myself with a choice. ENJOY MY SPARE TIME OR WRITE A BLOG. Now the choice was an obvious one. But I actually really  thought about it and had a realization they were one and the same thing. So of course I started writing but I was conflicted on what to write about. I thought about movies,books,sports even international news but nothing seemed to make a hit. So I thought why not The Beginning. And you'd notice that I've written it as a proper noun. And that's because it's significant to me writing at this moment feels amazing,astonishing, LIBERATING. I've realised when I WRITE I'm free to say what I feel, talk about what I want, LIBERATE MY IMAGINATION. Hey and who knows I could become famous.The next famous blogger. THE FRENCHMAN. Got a nice ring to it.